Wednesday, January 16, 2008

1/18/ 08

Rise of the Plagiosphere: How New Tools to Detect Plagerism Could Induce Mass Writer's Block
By: Ed Tenner

Ed Tenner's article is focused around his word, "Plagiosphere." He uses this term to compare the biosphere, which is what we know of living in. The comparison between the two shows that such a common word of biosphere meaning all livings things that surround us, in other words the life we live, to Tenner's word plagiosphere which is the depiction of the very common and now advancing plagiarism. Our future has brought on such an advance in technology and not that the advances are bad, it is just that because of there being so much in front of us it is hard not to use and sometimes plagiarize this information. As Tenner mentions practically everything that people want to say or want to think is already written down so therefore there is nothing left to say anymore which leads to this problem. Plagioshpere comes off as this destroyer to new ideas, to our creativity. We have nothing left to create, it is all already here, and now all we have left to do is to repeat the words that are already someone else's. This thought provokes a devastating thought of how we can no longer be independent, for we are dependent on the words of others. Our creativity was what made us independent and now we do not have that. This ever so quickly advancing plagioshpere is taking that trait away from us. As Ed Tenner states it is this closing frontier of ideas. We are losing this power and meaning of our own words. Overall this article really opens your eyes to what damage plagiarism is doing and how serious it is becoming. It is not that people do not know it happens, because that is evident, it is that they do not know the lack of creativity it is causing to us and our futures.

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