Sunday, February 24, 2008


Article: How Computers Change the Way We Think
By: Sherry Turkle

When finished reading Turkle's essay I can not help but dwell in on some topics. The fact that children who are in elementary school are using such high levels of technology. When people talk about how much technology has changed it really is true. Students in elementary school are using e-mail, word, computer simulations, power print software, and more. I know that they say our generation was born into this technology era, but i can honestly say that at that age I was not using those types of programs or even really knowing what they are. Turkle talks about new technology versus learning new ways to think. I feel as though this is a very interesting way of looking at the aspect of these young children. In my opinion the reason that times have changed so much is becuase yes there are indeed new technologies, but the reasoning behind learning new ways to think is that of having more options and being able to expand the ways of learning. There are so many more ways for younger people and older as well to learn. Students can learn based off of how they understand things whether it is visual, auditory, or even aesthetic. This makes learning now a days so holistic and allowing our simple past ways of learning completely expanded on now. Along with such an opening in how to learn the new technologies that we have only allow for more opportunities and easy ways of understanding. With these changes it can only make us wonder how much more we still have to learn as a society about technology.

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