Sunday, April 13, 2008


Science and the arts seem to many, and even myself as complete opposites because of their drastic differences. However, it is their differences that make them so much the same. The only thing that is different about the two is that science is known as being exact and that everything must be well thought out to be right on, no room for mistakes. On the other hand art and the humanities are a lot more non exact and mistakes are what make some art so good and abstract. But when you put the two together, has anyone ever thought of the fact that maybe scientists have to think artistically? Maybe these two's characteristics are one in the same. Scientists are people who are seen as being very logical. They involve a lot of math and proof for their work. And on the other hand people who are artistic are seen as very creative, independent, messy, and having a much more in depth imagination. But it seems that these characteristics are only put on these because of the stereotypes we have always portrayed them as. Scientists have a very in depth imagination as well just through a different look. And they too can be independent in their work and creative. As well as artistic people being logical. With the stereotypes we place on peoples views and lifestyles we tend to miss the fact that we are all one in the same stereotype. The reason we usually miss it is because some of us choose to demonstrate and express how we do and see things differently. Humanities and the arts are a part of science we just look past the connection and focus on the separation through their names.

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